After the cereal feed or granule batch is heated at a temperature of 160 ° C - 187 ° C for 1 minute - 2 minutes, the volume of the grain feed is increased by 30% - 40%, and then crushing the chicken can improve the feed utilization rate.
The rapeseed cake can promote the appetite of the chicken by roasting, and at the same time kill the bacteria in the feed, thereby improving the feeding value of the rapeseed cake.
The cottonseed cake is cooked in a closed pot until the cottonseed cake turns brownish red, and the water is squeezed out to achieve the purpose of detoxification.
Beans, potatoes, cereals and animal feeds can be cooked to increase palatability and kill harmful bacteria. But if the feed is cooked for too long, the vitamins will be destroyed.
After immersing the cereal feed for one night, the temperature is between 20 ° C and 27 ° C, and it is germinated in a place with dark light, which can saccharify the starch, increase the content of protein and soluble vitamin B, and improve palatability.
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