Vegetable pollution-free does not mean pesticide-free

Currently, pollution-free vegetables are popular in the market. For a long time, people mistakenly thought that vegetables with insect eyes were pollution-free vegetables. Experts stressed that vegetables with insect eyes are not equivalent to pollution-free vegetables, and some pesticide residues are higher. According to professionals, the spraying of pesticides is the key to achieving pollution-free. No pollution is not equal to no pesticides.
Non-polluted vegetables are only allowed to use high-efficiency and low-toxic pesticides and biological pesticides. The pesticide residues can be controlled within the limits allowed by the local agricultural standards, so that consumers can eat with confidence.

At present, there are three aspects of vegetable quality and safety issues. In addition to pesticide residues, it also includes two problems: excessive heavy metal content and high nitrate and nitrite content.

Vegetable contamination generally does not immediately show serious symptoms of poisoning, but long-term consumption can be a terrible danger. Some highly toxic pesticides may have multiple poisoning symptoms after consumption if the amount of residue on the vegetables is too large.

Trichlorfon, dichlorvos, dimethoate, and thiophosphorus commonly used in agriculture have adverse effects on human fertility and the fetus. Studies have shown that after entering the human blood, pesticides can enter the fetus through the placenta of pregnant women. Because chemical pesticides have cytotoxic and anti-metabolism and inhibit cell division, when they enter the embryo, the fetus is malformed. Can cause fetal abortion or death.
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