As a new heating method, floor heating has become a popular heating product for consumers because of its advantages of comfort, energy saving, health, and environmental protection. Experts point out that the choice of floor heating directly affects heating results.
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When choosing floor heating, many consumers believe that the floor should be as thin as possible. The smaller thickness floor is indeed more suitable for the thermal conductivity of the floor, but the thickness of the floor does not represent the thickness of the table. Some businesses have stolen the idea that the unqualified products on the surface of the table lie in the geothermal floor. Buying such floor will not only bring better results to the floor heating, but will also affect the durability of the table board.
The floors on the market can be divided into two types, European-style flooring and Korean-style flooring, according to the floor width and thickness. Korean-Japanese flooring is mainly designed for home and living habits in South Korea and Japan. Floors are 3 mm to 6 mm thick and relatively thin. In Korea and Japan, the room area of ​​the room is relatively small, and according to the daily living habits of South Korea and Japan, people usually walk barefoot in the living room, which reduces the friction between the shoes and the floor, so the floor does not need to be solid. Continental flooring is mainly designed according to the European family's living room structure and living habits. Floor thickness is 5 to 7 times greater than that of Korean-style flooring. However, the use of floors in Chinese life should be more biased towards European countries.
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