When planting plants indoors, are they often suffering from pests? Here are a few ways to reduce the pests and diseases of flowers in the greenhouse:
1. Only grow healthy seeds, seedlings or other reproductive materials without pests and diseases. It is necessary to purchase seed seedlings from technically sound and reputable production units and ensure that they are free of pests and diseases.
2. If possible, plant resistant varieties as much as possible. Compared with other crops, flowers are lagging behind in breeding new varieties of disease resistance, but in any case, when there are chronic diseases such as gray mold in the greenhouse, it is particularly important to select resistant varieties.
3. Isolation and cultivation of planting materials introduced from outside and new students. When planting seedlings come from different places and production units, it is very important to isolate them from the original crops. During the isolation process, isolation has been carried out until it can be determined that new seedlings are free of pests and diseases.
4. Always maintain good environmental hygiene. The cleaner the greenhouse is, the less chance that pests will occur and spread. This means that there are no weeds growing around the greenhouse aisle and the greenhouse. Plastic water pipes and sprinklers are not placed on the ground or in the pool. Dead leaves and discarded flowers are taken from the plants in time, and the garbage is not thrown anywhere, but placed in a garbage bin. In a flower crop area that is mass-produced, other flower types should not be placed in the middle, which affects unified management. In the production area where the potted plants are planted and transferred, the disinfection treatment should be carried out before the operation to reduce the chance of spread of the bacteria.
5. Monitor the density of the insect population and press it as low as possible. In order to make the harvested cut flowers or pots healthy and disease-free, the grower must minimize the pest density of the pests. The pests not only cause damage to the plants through feeding, but also spread various plant viruses. Insects that cause considerable economic losses are flower thrips, which can be used to monitor yellow and blue sticky worms. Monitoring the population density can be known about the species of pests present in the greenhouse and their population density.
6. Reduce the occurrence of diseases through the control of greenhouse environmental conditions. The higher the humidity in the greenhouse, the greater the risk of disease. This is because most fungal diseases are prone to multiply and spread under high humidity conditions, and the upper limit of relative humidity in the greenhouse is 85%. When the relative humidity is greater than 85%, even with the use of fungicides, the disease is still difficult to control. Excessive humidity can be lowered by means of heating, ventilation and the like. Avoid attaching water droplets to the leaves of plants for a long time. When using sprinklers or sprinklers, it is best to do so in the morning so that the water droplets on the plants dry out before the evening. It is necessary to avoid over-watering, otherwise it will promote the occurrence of root rot, and use a well-drained cultivation substrate. Unless you know that natural soils do not contain pathogens, do not mix the substrate with the soil in soilless culture because most of the soil contains pathogens that cause root rot of the plant. If it is cultivated in the form of a ground bed, it is necessary to ensure that there is no isolation layer in the ground and no water is accumulated.
7. Avoid plant stimulation or stress caused by various adverse conditions. The greater the stress on the plant, the greater the possibility of infecting the pathogen. Avoiding the stress of the plant means that the plant has sufficient water supply, the salt content in the soil is in equilibrium, the light and temperature meet the requirements of plant growth, and the nutritional balance is sufficient. Keep the plants in optimal development. If the soil is too high in salt, the roots of the plants are susceptible to damage. The injured root system is more susceptible to infection and decay.
8. Always check the growth of crops. In this way, we can grasp the situation of each stage of growth and development of plants. Sometimes checking is simply a patrol in the greenhouse. When there are any pests and diseases, you can know as early as possible without being surprised. When you are inspecting, you should go through every corner of the greenhouse and pay attention to the back of the blade, because the back of the blade is often where the pests hide.
9. Free people are exempted without permission. For this principle, even the best growers may not do well, and inexperienced employees who wander around the greenhouse may become a means of spreading the disease. Unnecessarily touching plants, whether conscious or unconscious, can also lead to the spread of fungi, viruses and bacteria.
10. The use of fungicides as a last resort. Even if the growers use the first nine principles, they will still be sick and must use fungicides. However, if the first 9 steps are used, only a small amount of fungicide is needed to solve the problem. For certain special crops, prophylactic use of fungicides is necessary, and the other nine steps should be combined as a preventive measure. For many growers, some steps are impossible due to location, time and economic constraints, and it is difficult to do 9 steps at the same time. Several of these steps should be applied in a comprehensive manner based on actual conditions.
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