Prevention and cure of Chinese cabbage soft rot

The pathogenic bacteria of Chinese cabbage soft rot are soft rot bacteria, which are ubiquitous in the soil and are transmitted by rainwater and irrigation water. The pathogen can only infect the disease if it is in contact with the cabbage wound. Different varieties of Chinese cabbage have different disease resistance to soft rot, and resistant varieties can be selected for prevention and treatment. In addition, we must do the following measures.
1. Sorghum cultivation or ridge cultivation This method has good drainage and air circulation, which can reduce the humidity between the plants and is beneficial to wound healing. When irrigating (especially in furrow irrigation), the soft rot bacteria in the water are not easily exposed to the base of the cabbage leaves to avoid infestation. It is also beneficial to promote the development of Chinese cabbage roots and improve the disease resistance of Chinese cabbage.
Second, do a good job of draining water after the rain and irrigation after the rain, can not make water in the ground. The irrigation should be digested and balanced, and the flood irrigation should be changed to shallow irrigation; the irrigation and string irrigation should be shortened for long ridges. Check carefully before each irrigation, and find that the soft rot strain should be dug out and buried deep. After the pull-out of the plant hole, the soil is covered with lime and then watered.
Third, reduce wound production and promote wound healing. The wounds of cabbage often have mechanical injuries, lacerations, burns, wounds, insects and so on. These wounds are a good way to invade soft rot bacteria, so try to minimize or avoid the occurrence of wounds. Therefore, after cabbage is closed, it is necessary to minimize unnecessary field operations or field walks, avoid mechanical bruises, and prevent diseases such as pre-virus diseases, downy mildew and leukoplakia, and reduce lesions. When applying fertilizer, pay attention to a certain distance from the root system to avoid burns. Maintain a balanced water supply, avoid soil turbidity and wetness, and cause vegetable leaf physiological rupture; from the seedling stage, it is necessary to timely control pests such as tigers, cabbage caterpillars, and cabbage moths, especially to destroy the mantle. The healing and healing speed of cabbage wounds is related to temperature, humidity and air circulation (mainly oxygen supply). Create conditions of high temperature, low humidity, and air circulation to accelerate wound healing.
Fourth, the soft rot should be based on prevention. For the disease that has already occurred, it should be treated in time. It can be sprayed with streptomycin sulfate or agricultural streptomycin 1000-1300 times solution; or with new phytomycin 1300 times solution; % Dyson ammonium water 100 times solution; or 70% dikesone wettable powder 800-1000 times solution; or 60% ubiquitin WP 500-600 times solution; or 40% bacteria spirit (CT fungicide) 1 tablet (0.5g) plus 4kg of water; or antibacterial agent "401" 500 times solution. Focus on the surface or petiole of the soft rot strain and its surrounding vegetable plants, so that the liquid can flow into the cabbage heart, and the effect is better.

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