There is a "synergy" relationship between the fertilizers, and there is also a contradiction between the "phases". For example, if more phosphorus is applied, the excess available phosphorus combines with the effective zinc in the soil to form a poorly soluble zinc phosphate precipitate, which causes a lack of effective zinc in the soil. Not only that, excess available phosphorus also inhibits crop nitrogen uptake and causes nitrogen deficiency. Another example is the application of potassium fertilizer. Excess potassium will reduce the absorption of nitrogen, magnesium, calcium, boron and zinc by crops, causing the lack of these nutrients in crops. Even organic fertilizers should not be applied too much. If the application is too much, the microorganisms in the soil and the crops will have the contradiction between “striving nitrogen†and “taking nitrogenâ€, causing the soil to temporarily be deficient in nitrogen for a period of time, and the excess organic matter forms a complex or chelate with zinc, which will reduce zinc. Effectiveness.
To prevent "community" between fertilizers, the following methods can be used:
Balance fertilization as much as possible. Partial application or multi-application of fertilizers on crops not only wastes fertilizer, increases production costs, but also leads to the lack of some other nutrients. When fertilizing, according to the different fertilizer structure of the crops and the fertility of the soil, we must measure the balance and not balance the balance of many nutrients, so that we can be safe.
In addition, according to the proportion of the demand for various nutrients in different crops, it is necessary to increase and increase, and reduce and decrease. Relative to elemental fertilizers, the proportion of nutrients in compound fertilizers or compound fertilizers is more appropriate and coordinated. Therefore, when applying fertilizer, compound fertilizer should be mainly used, supplemented by elemental fertilizer. For crops with large potassium content such as vegetables with tubers and roots, it can be increased based on the application of sulfur-based compound fertilizer. Potassium sulfate fertilizer is used as a supplement.
Staggered the application period or application site. If zinc fertilizer and phosphate fertilizer are mixed, it will inevitably produce "phase grams." Therefore, the phosphate fertilizer should be applied as a base fertilizer or a base fertilizer, and the zinc fertilizer should be applied as a top dressing. Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and other large-scale element fertilizers should be based on rhizosphere top dressing, and micro-fertilizer should adopt foliar spray method.
Reduce the range of contact. Nitrogen and potassium fertilizers can be applied by means of spreading; phosphate fertilizers can be applied by concentrated fertilization; micro-fertilizers can be used for seed dressing, soaking seeds, rooting, etc., so that trace elements are confined to the smaller part of the roots, and try not to Elemental contact.
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