The structure and use principle of patrol machine

The electronic patrol system is a device that supervises the patrol and inspection process.

Generally speaking, the components of a patrol machine mainly include four parts: a patrol point, a patrol machine, a cradle, and management software. Patrol point refers to a series of information points fixed on the patrol path, each information point has its own unique internal code; the patrol machine is a recorder held by the patrol personnel and can recognize the internal code of the patrol point . Because the patrol machine has a clock circuit and a storage circuit, it can record the exact time of the dot; the cradle is used for information transmission between the patrol machine and the computer; the management software is a set of system software used for patrol registration, Inspection point editing, inspection time setting, inspection task setting, inspection record reading, recording data processing, system management, etc.

The use process of the electronic patrol machine is as follows: when the patrol staff patrols each point, the patrol point is read by the handheld patrol machine, thereby recording the time of the patrol to the location and other required information to the patrol machine . After the patrol work is completed, the patrol record in the patrol machine is transferred to the computer through the communicator component, and finally the software performs unified analysis and management of the information read. The management software compares the pre-set inspection plan with the actual inspection records to obtain inspection reports such as normal and missing inspections. Through these reports, the actual completion of inspection work can be assessed.

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