Improve machine tool efficiency
Don't just choose tools that have a longer life or higher speed. Innovative tools can also change the process and expand the machine's processing range.
The CoroTurn HP tool focuses on the flow of high pressure coolant, with the coolant injection point concentrated above the cutting edge. Practice has shown that using this method to spray coolant can increase tool life by 50% and speed by 20%.
Why do machine shops choose to change tools under normal use? The most common reason is that they want to extend the life of the tool. If the new tool can work longer in the existing process, it can save more money for the shop, including replacement tool costs and labor costs for multiple tool changes.
In order to increase the speed of machine tools, many innovative machine shops will try to use new tools. If the new tool plays a very good role in the high-speed machining process and greatly improves the metal removal rate, the tool can save more money for the workshop. In other words, the tool can increase the productivity of the shop more efficiently, allowing it to process more parts per shift.
These two major improvements in the process – the increase in service life and processing speed – indicate a return on investment, which also makes many shop floors more reason to use high-performance tools.
However, the quest to improve the craft level through the tool should not stop here, it also has great potential to save more money. Therefore, the processing shop should try every means to find ways to improve their processing capabilities, because advanced tools can not only extend the processing technology, but also promote the process to further improve.
Andrew Hunter, product manager at Precision Dormer, gave an example of a tool change problem. This example seems very simple, but he specifically mentions the current state of precision drilling technology.
Mr. Andrew Hunter said that in many hole machining applications today, there is no need for reaming. Drilling can achieve higher quality standards than ever before, giving the shop a greater potential. To achieve this, the necessary hole machining accuracy can be achieved by drilling this process. Quality requirements. In many processing plants, although the hole machining process using center drills, drill bits and reamers may be very familiar, it is difficult to overlook the cost of this process.
Precision Dormer often advises the shop and explains where it is not necessary to use a reamer. If the change in the cutting parameters of the drill is roughly equivalent to the parameters already in use in the shop, then a hole of the quality can be machined. If this is not the case, Precision Dormer can help the shop quickly find and evaluate another bit with better processing performance. Even if the price of the new tool is slightly higher, the added cost can be said to be negligible compared to the cost savings, because no unnecessary tools are needed in the machining process, thus eliminating and solving the machining. Tool replacement problems not required during the cycle.
Mr. Bill Tisdall, Business Development Manager at Sandvik Coromant, has been working on the testing and optimization of new design tools. He believes that there are many ways to increase productivity through the development of tools. He urged the shop to think about how to use the tool correctly to take advantage of its potential.
1. Using the characteristics of the machine tool
Does your tool have full potential to increase the machine's machining level every day? Generally, in machine tool processing, the most popular is the use of high pressure coolant. At present, there are very few processing workshops that allow their tools to fully utilize 70 bar (1 bar = 0.1 MPa) pressure coolant for machine tools.
Sandvik Coromant's CoroTurn HP tool can be used to increase the efficiency of the high-pressure coolant precisely onto the blade directly above the tool. The CoroTurn HP tool holder converts the high-pressure cooling flow into a wedge shape that warps the chips upwards. Washed away by the cutting fluid. In the processing of difficult-to-machine materials, Inconel 718, this method can be used to increase tool life by 50% or increase speed by 20%.
2. Reduce installation time
The Coromant Capto system from Sandvik Coromant is the industry standard for fast tool change systems in turning. It allows quick tool change or quick tooling of new workpiece machining tools without the need to adjust tool position or reset tool offset. The same Coromant Capto concept has also been applied to rotary tools, which makes the use or replacement of new milling tools or drills extremely convenient, and the locking position is fast and does not extend any replacement time.
Figure 2 After using the Sandvik Coromant QS system on a Swiss-style lathe, the positioning can be quickly and automatically locked. A company that uses Swiss-style lathes saves a lot of tool commissioning and installation time each year and saves $100,000.
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The advantage of the plastic centrifuge tube is that it is transparent or translucent, its hardness is small, and the gradient can be taken out by the puncture method. The disadvantage is that it is easy to deform, has poor corrosion resistance to organic solvents, and has a short service life.
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