How should the inclined roof window be maintained?

At a certain temperature, the air contains a certain amount of moisture. The lower the temperature, the less water vapor it contains. When hot, humid air cools, condensation of water vapor occurs. In the home, the condensation of water vapor is mainly concentrated on the windows. Because regardless of the type of building, windows are always the lowest temperature in the room. The condensation of water vapor is a dangerous signal, it reminds people that the indoor climate is too wet and can damage the structure of the room and the health of the occupants.

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In general, each household distributes approximately 15 liters of water vapor per 24 hours. Some of the humid air comes from people's bodies and some from the kitchen and bathroom. When the room temperature is 20°C, it is normal for the window temperature to be 16°C. At this time, if the humidity in the room is too high, it is easy to condense in places where the temperature is relatively low, such as windows.

Dew condensation prevention and remedy:

1. Limit the entry or production of water vapor;

2, ventilation;

3, increase the indoor temperature;

4, correctly place the heat source to limit the entry of water vapor;

When cooking, we can use lids, stove cages, kitchen exhaust fans, etc., or just open the windows, pay attention to control the distribution of steam; to keep the bathroom well ventilated; dry clothes should be carried out in a sealed room, after drying, Open the windows thoroughly for ventilation. Adequate ventilation can solve the condensation problem. In order not to lose too much calories, it is much better to ventilate every day for a short period of time and for more frequent ventilation than for a long period of time.

Increase indoor temperature:

The higher the temperature of air is, the higher the content of water vapor is, and the less dangerous the condensation of water vapor is.

Place heat source correctly:

Such as radiators should be placed under the window. This ensures that the hot gas flow rises up to the surface of the glass and the temperature of the inner surface of the window is increased, thereby reducing the amount of condensation of water vapor.

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