The current "messenger" fuel is almost exhausted, and scientists expect to end most of the scientific exploration missions in March 2015.
According to foreign media reports, NASA's "messenger" probe has been flying in the deep space for nearly 10 years, consuming most of the propellant in a large number of exploration flights around Mercury, the current "messenger" The fuel is almost exhausted, and scientists expect to end most of the scientific exploration missions in March 2015. In order to extend the mission period of the "messenger", the biggest obstacle is the fuel problem. The team of engineers came up with an excellent way to extend the mission period and extend the use time by pressurizing the fuel gas, so that it can meet a certain period of time. Exploring mission extensions and collecting more data about the sun's orbit.
Normally, the liquid propellant used by the Messenger will not be able to adjust the trajectory of the spacecraft after it is completely consumed. The messenger system engineer Dan O'Shaughnessy is from the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Experiment. Room, he believes that if gaseous nitrogen is used for pressurized propulsion, a small range of adjustments can be made and the trajectory of the spacecraft can be changed, but this adjustment is not efficient and is not as effective as liquid propellant. NASA's mission team is looking for creative ways to maintain the "messenger" track. Although propellants are consumable substances, spacecraft instruments are usually maintained until the propellant is fully consumed.
NASA scientists are controlling the Mercury probe to study Mercury. This summer, the team proposed a low-altitude observation of Mercury to get the highest-resolution Mercury surface image. For example, scientists can find places where volcanic lava flows, small-scale structural features, etc., as well as some surrounding craters, cliffs and shadow areas are also worth exploring.
The orbital height of the Courier is about 100 kilometers. NASA expects the next orbital maneuver on January 21, 2015. The neutron spectrometer carried on the detector can shoot the crater in the high-dimensional area of ​​northern Mercury. , to form a high-resolution orbital image, looking for ice and water on this planet.
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