According to the Daily Science website, at the 235th American Chemical Society meeting held in Louisiana recently, American scientists announced that protein extracts isolated from the blood of American alligator crocodile can be more effective than traditional antibiotics. Resistance to HIV infection, skin infections caused by severe burns, ulcers caused by diabetes, and bacterial infections during organ transplantation.
This discovery will be a major breakthrough in the history of human antibiotic research, and humans will be able to achieve the threat of fighting HIV and resisting super deadly bacteria.
Why Crocodile Blood?
Scientists have found that American crocodilians are often injured in combat but their wounds are never infected with bacteria. The scientists then discovered that American crocodile blood has very "sensitive and effective" antibacterial proteins.
This antibacterial protein makes the American alligator crocodile can effectively resist Candida albicans yeast infection, so scientists have been inspired to immediately begin an in-depth study of the blood of American crocodile.
Research on super antibiotics in 2005
Researchers from McNeese State University and Louisiana State University isolated white blood cells in the blood of the American alligator and extracted active proteins from the isolated white blood cells. Scientists then conducted laboratory tests on these protein extracts.
According to the research report, in laboratory tests, these trace protein extracts can kill a variety of bacteria, including MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), which is the most dangerous to humans; and this protein extract It can produce antibodies against 8 different species of Candida albicans. Moreover, researchers have discovered in previous studies that the protein in crocodile blood may help prevent HIV infection.
Scientists estimate that there are at least four unknown components of protein extracts in the blood of the American alligator. Now scientists are working hard to determine the chemical structure of these protein extracts. Scientists said that this protein extract is a major breakthrough in the study of human super antibiotics. Once the chemical structure is determined, scientists can create super antibiotic drugs. These drugs will be placed on shelves within the next 7 to 10 years. Humans can not only effectively prevent and treat HIV and deadly bacterial viruses, but also prevent and treat diabetes-induced skin infections, infections caused by amputation surgery, infections caused by organ transplants, and burns. Infection. At present, the National Science Foundation of Louisiana and the United States have provided research funding for this project. Scientists hope to accelerate the research of super antibiotics and invest in clinical trials as soon as possible.