Introduction to several commonly used woods

Iron beech

Name Iron Elm, Eusideroxylon malagangai; Malagangai, Njelong. Lieucaidae, Ironwood.

Trees and distributed trees, trees up to 0.4 ~ 0.6m. Mainly produced in Malaysia, Indonesia. Common name or misleading name: Purple King Kong.

Wood features wood is a loose hole material. The heartwood and sapwood are clearly distinguished; the heartwood is reddish-brown, and is turned deep by oxidation in the atmosphere; the sapwood is yellowish brown to reddish brown, and some have a green hue. The growth wheel is not obvious or slightly seen. The tube hole is obvious under the naked eye and the invading body is rich. Axial parenchyma is visible under the naked eye, wing-like, poly-winged, tubular and banded. It can be seen slightly under the wood ray magnifying glass, and the density is thin to medium and narrow. Wave marks and intercellular channels were not seen. The wood is shiny; the new cut surface has a lemon scent, no special taste; the texture is straight or slightly oblique, the structure is fine to medium, slightly uniform.

The shrinkage rate of wood properties: chord direction is 4.4% to 8.3%; radial direction is 2.4%. Wood weight; air dry density 0.83g/cm3); medium to high strength; compressive strength of 60 MPa, bending strength 106MPa, bending elastic modulus 14GPa. Corrosion resistant. Drying is not difficult, quite slow. Processing is not difficult.

Wood is suitable for making flooring; it is also suitable for making piles, bridges, piers, house construction, interior decoration, etc. in seawater.


Name Alana, Anadenanthera spp., curupy; Leguminosae, Arachis. Commonly used commodities are mainly A. macrocarpa.

Trees and large trees, about 24m high; the trunk is round, the branches are about 4-7m high; the breast diameter is about 60-90cm. It is mainly produced in the subtropical dry forests of Argentina, Brazil and Paraguay in South America.

Wood features wood is a loose hole material. The main material of the heartwood is light brown, which is dark reddish brown after oxidation by the atmosphere, often accompanied by black stripe stripes; sapwood is yellowish brown or light pink. The growth wheel is slightly obvious, and the wheel boundary is organized by a light-colored wheel-shaped thin-walled structure. The tube hole is obvious under the magnifying glass, scattered, slightly less, slightly larger; some contain sediment or gum. The axial thin-walled structure is obvious under the magnifying glass, and the loop tube is bundled, wing-shaped, poly-winged and wheel-bound. The wood ray is slightly seen under the magnifying glass; slightly dense and narrow. Wave marks and intercellular channels were not seen. The wood is shiny and has no special smell or taste. Textures are usually irregular or often staggered, with a strong layering, easy to match in dark tones; fine, uniform or evenly uniform.

The shrinkage of wood properties is very large; the total dry shrinkage rate; the chord direction is 7.6% to 8.1%; the radial direction is 4.6 to 4.9%. In dimensional stability. The wood is extremely heavy and very hard; the basic density is 0.86 g/cm3; the air dry density is 1.00 to 1.14 g/cm3, usually 0.83 to 1.05 g/cm3. The strength is high; the compressive strength of the grain is 87-97 MPa, the flexural strength is 185-202 MPa, and the flexural modulus is 16.4 to 17.9 GPa. Heartwood is very resistant to corrosion, but preservative infusion is extremely difficult. Drying should be slow, because the wood is very heavy, cracking and deformation defects, especially thick plates. Difficult to process, because the wood is very heavy and the tool edge is easy to be blunt, it is better to use alloy steel saw blade; if the wood texture is irregular or interlaced, the cutting angle is 15-20 degrees; the rotary cutting property is good.

Wood use wood is very heavy and durable, suitable for making floors and furniture, joinery supplies, high-strength agricultural implements for door and window frames, truck chassis; seawater and freshwater piles, guards, bridges, wharves, sluices, ships; Sleepers, heavy construction materials and decorative car products.

Wood pod

Name Wood Pod, Xylia xylocarpa; pyinkado. Leguminosae, genus Peony. Market misleading names: Jinche, Huali, Pinkadu, Jinchemu.

Wood features loose pores. Heartwood and sapwood are distinctly distinct; heartwood is reddish-brown with darker strips; sapwood is light reddish white. The growth wheel is obvious under the naked eye, and the boundary is a thin-walled tissue. The tube holes are visible to the naked eye; scattered or slightly oblique; some ducts contain dark gum or white deposits. Axial parenchyma is visible under the naked eye, in the shape of a wheel and a ring. Wood rays are visible under the mirror. Wave marks and intercellular channels were not seen. The wood is shiny, has no special smell and taste; the texture is irregularly staggered; the structure is fine and even.

Wood properties are shrinking to medium size and dimensional stability. The wood is very heavy; the air dry density is 0.98~1.13g/cm3. The strength is very high and the nail holding power is poor. Very resistant to corrosion; resistant to termites and aquatic loggers; heartwood preservatives are difficult to infuse. Drying wood is quite difficult. The processing is difficult, the rotary cutting property is not good; the sanding, waxing and coating are good; the adhesion is difficult.

Wood use should be used for load-bearing and general floors, heavy and durable structural materials, vehicles, ships and masts; tool handles, agricultural implements, etc. and curved parts.

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