What are the pesticide residue standards for vegetables?

The Chinese pesticide net Xiaobian series summarizes the pesticide residue limit standards for vegetables as follows: Specifically, the regulations on the residue limit of pesticides in fruits and vegetables (in mg/kg ) are specified: Methamidophos is prohibited in vegetables. Phosphorus should not be used in vegetables and fruits. Methyl parathion should not be used in vegetables and fruits. Carbofuran should not be detected. Malathion should not be detected.
Acephate Vegetable: 1
Amaranthus Fruit Vegetables: 0.5
Enzymes: Tomato: 10
Carbaryl Vegetable: 2
Carbendazim Tomato: 0.5 Asparagus: 0.1 Pepper: 0.1
Chlorothalonil Leafy vegetables: 5
Chlorpyrifos Leafy vegetables: 0.1 Tomato: 0.5 Stem vegetables: 0.05 Leek: 0.1
Cyhalothrin Leafy vegetables: 0.2 Fruit vegetables: 0.2
Cypermethrin Leafy vegetables: 2 Fruit vegetables: 0.5 Cucumber: 0.2 Beans vegetables: 0.5
DDT Beans: 0.05 Vegetables: 0.05
Deltamethrin Leafy vegetables: 0.5 Fruit vegetables: 0.2
Dichlorvos Vegetables: 0.2
Diflubenzuron Leafy vegetables: 1
Dimethoate Leafy vegetables: 1 Fruit vegetables: 0.5 Beans vegetables: 0.5 Stem vegetables: 0.5 root vegetables: 0.5
Fenvalerate Leafy vegetables: 1 Pear fruit: 1
Killing thiophene vegetables: 0.5
Fenmethrin leafy vegetables: 0.5
Fenthionine Vegetables: 0.05
Fenvalerate Leafy vegetables: 0.5 Fruit vegetables: 0.2 melon vegetables: 0.2 root vegetables: 0.05
Fenvalerate Fruit and vegetable vegetables: 0.2 root vegetables: 0.05
Six six six vegetables: 0.05
Malathion Leafy vegetables: 8 Fruit vegetables: 0.5 Beans vegetables: 2 Celery: 1 root vegetable: 0.5
Paraquat Vegetables: 0.05
Pendimethalin Leafy vegetables: 0.1
Permethrin vegetable: 1
Fumarate leafy vegetables: 1
Phthathiones Vegetables: 0.05
Mimiamide Mushroom: 2
Pythium fruit vegetables: 5 cucumber: 2 leeks: 0.2
Kate Leafy Vegetables: 2
Triadimefon: Pea: 0.05
Trichlorfon Vegetables: 0.1
Another: Completely banned pesticides ( 23 species)
BHC (BHC), DDT (DDT), toxaphene (strobane), DBCP (dibromochloropropane), chlordimeform (chlordimeform), dibromoethane (EDB), nitrofen (nitrofen), Ehrlich agent (Aldrin), dieldrin (dieldrin), mercury compounds (mercury compounds), arsenic (arsenide), lead (plumbum compounds) class enemy dry double, fluoroacetamide (fluoroacetamide), Gan-fluoro (gliftor), toxic rat strong (tetramine), sodium fluoroacetate (sodium fluoroacetate), rodenticide silicon (silatrane) The above pesticide announcement No. 199 of the Ministry of agriculture ban on the use;
The Ministry of Agriculture, Announcement No. 274 methamidophos (methamidophos), methyl parathion (parathion-methyl), parathion (parathion), monocrotophos (monocrotophos) and phosphamidon (phosphamidon) five highly toxic pesticides It is completely banned.
Restricted use of pesticides ( 19 species)
According to the Ministry of Agriculture Bulletin No. 199 prohibits the use of pesticides on vegetables, fruit, tea, Chinese herbal medicine are: phorate (phorate), methyl isobutyl Liu phosphorus (isofenphos-methyl), terbufos (terbufos), methyl phosfolan (phosfolan-methyl), sulfotep (sulfotep), demeton (demeton), carbofuran (carbofuran), aldicarb (aldicarb), ethoprophos (ethoprophos), phosfolan (phosfolan) , coumaphos (coumaphos), fonofos (fonofos), cloxacillin phosphorus (isazofos), fenamiphos (fenamiphos)

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