In the first quarter, China’s trade frictions have heated up, and steel and mechanical products are the most prominent.

In the first quarter, China encountered 17 trade remedy investigations initiated by 11 countries (regions), involving a total amount of 2.62 billion US dollars, an increase of 88% and 106% respectively. In this regard, experts pointed out that the economic crisis will inevitably lead to the rise of trade protectionism in various countries. China, as a major trading nation, will face increasing trade frictions and must be prepared for long-term war. According to the latest data released by the Fair Trade Bureau of the Ministry of Commerce, in the first quarter, China has encountered 17 trade remedy investigations initiated by 11 countries (regions), involving a total amount of US$2.62 billion, an increase of 88% and 106% respectively, including 12 anti-dumping cases. 3 countervailing and 2 safeguard measures. The United States and the European Union are still the most active countries in the implementation of trade remedy investigations on China's export products. The number of developing countries such as Brazil and Mexico has also gradually increased. From the perspective of the products involved, steel and mechanical and electrical products have encountered prominent trade frictions; from the amount involved, anti-dumping, countervailing and safeguard measures investigations have a large case of hundreds of millions of dollars, and the amount involved has reached record highs; Anti-dumping is still the main form of foreign trade remedy investigations in China, but countervailing investigations have become an important trade policy tool in Europe and the United States. In this regard, experts and lawyers interviewed by this reporter believe that under the influence of the economic crisis, all countries are facing the situation of expanding the export of the real economy, which will inevitably lead to the rise of trade protectionism. China, as a major trading nation, will face increasing Trade friction will be an inevitable trend. China must be prepared for long-term battles. He Jinghua, a senior lawyer for trade relief at Bo Heng Law Firm, said that after the global financial crisis broke out in 2008, the economies of various countries have experienced a short-term improvement. Trade remedy measures have once declined. Countries have said that they have to overcome difficulties, but in fact, all countries are considering The interests of their own country. From the second half of 2011 to the first half of this year, European and American countries once again face a severe economic situation. In addition, this year is the election year for European and American countries, and many economic problems are inevitably politicized. In order to win voters, win general elections, and in order to achieve real economic recovery as soon as possible, some politicians will actively advocate the government to adopt trade protection measures to protect domestic industries and suppress foreign imports, especially those imported from China. "Now many countries, including Europe and the United States, are undergoing industrial restructuring, and the call for returning to the manufacturing era is getting higher and higher. China, as the largest manufacturing country, has experienced a decline in exports in recent years, but overall It still maintains a strong growth momentum, and competition with foreign countries has also intensified. Today, China's increased trade friction is also foreseeable." Miao Yingchun, an associate professor at Wuhan University's Institute of International Studies, told reporters. Li Jian, deputy director of the China Trade Department of the Ministry of Commerce, also believes that from the end of last year to the beginning of this year, expanding exports, developing the real economy, and getting out of the economic crisis have become the consensus of all countries. China has been the country with the most trade frictions for 17 consecutive years. Combined with the development experience of countries such as Japan and South Korea, this situation will not be greatly improved in the short term. However, some views hold that even if there are a large number of foreign trade remedy cases against China, the proportion of the amount involved in bilateral trade is very small. In this regard, He Jinghua pointed out that Europe and the United States as a traditional Chinese export market, such as its trade remedy measures continue to increase, Chinese companies can only seek emerging markets. However, unlike Europe and the United States, the complementary advantages of trade between China and Brazil and other emerging market countries are not prominent. The practice of countries such as Europe and the United States will allow these emerging market countries to find an excuse to combat Chinese exports, the so-called follow-up effect. At a time when the foreign trade situation is getting more and more serious, how can Chinese enterprises respond? Yu Benlin, deputy director of the Bureau of Justice of the Ministry of Commerce, suggested that domestic enterprises should enhance their confidence in responding to trade remedy cases and respond actively. "For example, the US trade investigation is highly procedural. The original investigation is about a year old. If it is not a zero tax rate, it will be reviewed every year. Compared with the original investigation, companies have more time to prepare for review. The US investigation agency will also be more Be cautious. In this way, Chinese exporters are more likely to get a lower tax rate and can respond to good results through review.” In addition to responding positively, Li Jian said that in the long run, China should optimize its industrial structure and focus on upgrading. At the same time, we must change the low-price competition, gradually improve the financial system, and respond to increasingly fierce international competition through product innovation and standardized operations.

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