Rice root fertilization

In the middle and late stages of rice growth, the absorption function of roots is declining, while the ear is still in the stage of nutrient enrichment, and sufficient nutrient supply is needed. If fertilization through the soil, there is a process of absorption, it is difficult to meet the requirements. If the nutrient is supplemented by spraying the foliar fertilizer on the root and the rice stems and leaves are directly absorbed and utilized, the fertilizer is less and the effect is quick, which is a common measure for high-yield cultivation of rice. The types and application methods of rice foliar fertilizer are as follows.

1. Nitrogen Fertilizer High-yield rice requires early growth and stability, and the fertilization measures to promote the central control and supplementation are adopted to achieve this goal. Spraying nitrogen fertilizer in the middle and late stages of rice growth can prolong the life of functional leaves and prevent premature denitrification. Generally, 1% urea solution is sprayed once at the booting stage and at the beginning of the grouting, and the spray effect is better when mixed with 3000-4000 times of the 902 regulator.

2. Phosphate Fertilizer Spraying phosphorus in the late growth stage of rice can increase the seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight and promote early maturity. Generally, 2% of the superphosphate solution is sprayed twice during the heading to filling stage. Preparation method: Take 2 kg of high-quality superphosphate, pulverize and pour into 100 kg of water for 24 hours (after repeated stirring) and then filter, 60 kg of spray fertilizer per acre. In the nitrogen-deficient field, an appropriate amount of urea mixed spray can be added to the prepared phosphate fertilizer solution.

3. Potassium Fertilizer A potash solution at the booting stage and the heading stage of rice can promote heading and increase the seed setting rate. Take 5 kg of fresh plant wood ash, add 100 kg of water, soak for 12-24 hours after fully stirring, then take the clear liquid spray, 50 kg of spray liquid per acre. A 1% potassium chloride solution can also be used.

4. Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate Rice spraying potassium dihydrogen phosphate can improve stress resistance, enhance heat and cold resistance, increase grain weight gain, and increase yield. Generally, it is sprayed once in the booting stage, the heading stage and the filling stage. Each time, 150 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate per acre, diluted with 50 kg of water and sprayed, has a significant yield increase effect. When the heading reaches 20%, 150 grams of potassium dihydrogen phosphate plus 1-2 grams of 920 (for powder, it should be dissolved first with alcohol), and evenly sprayed with 50 kg of water to promote uniform heading and reduce The neck is necked and the yield increase effect is remarkable.

5. Zinc Fertilizer Rice is sensitive to zinc. Spraying zinc fertilizer solution once at the beginning and beginning of the head can promote the tidying of the head, enhance the function of the leaves, accelerate the operation of nutrients, and facilitate the filling and fruiting. Each time, 100 grams of zinc sulfate per acre, diluted with 50 kg of water, sprayed. It has better effect with potassium dihydrogen phosphate and should not be mixed with phosphate fertilizer.

6. Boron fertilizer The supply of boron nutrition in rice filling period is sufficient, the seed setting rate is high, and there is less open space, especially the hybrid rice production is more obvious. Generally, 0.1%-0.2% borax solution is sprayed once in the heading stage and the filling stage, which can increase the yield by about 10%. Spraying boron fertilizer is better when the rice is filled with low temperature and rain during the grain filling period. Spray borax foliar fertilizer, first dissolve it with a small amount of warm water, then dilute with water to the required concentration and spray it in time.

(Yu Liping)
From:New Agriculture
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