Soybean pre-emergence chemical weeding

Before the seed germination to the emergence of seedlings, it is one of the periods of soybean chemical herbicide weeding. Practice has proved that the spraying effect after spraying or sprinkling irrigation and soil moisture is good.
(1) The application technique must be applied under a single condition of soybean; try to use herbicides that do not affect the crops; the application rate per hectare should reach the planned standard; ensure the quality of the operation, spray evenly, not leaking, not heavy spray.
(2) Application methods There are two methods for applying chemical herbicides: one is full-spraying and the other is spraying with a seedling. Spraying the seedlings can save twice as much medicine, but the weeds in the trenches are still mechanically controlled.
(3) Introduction of Pharmacy At present, there are two cases of using a single chemical herbicide and a mixed chemical herbicide in production, and the effect of killing grass is better. Several kinds of single-use and mixed herbicides are introduced: 〖1〗Guang-Feng Ling Guang-Xing-Ling is 48% of the chlorhexidine emulsifiable concentrate. Its characteristics are that it can control single and dicotyledon weeds, has high water solubility, is not easy to be leached, is less affected by soil moisture, and has stable drug effect. It is safer to use in sandy soil. The recommended dosage per hectare is 48% of the chlorhexidine emulsifiable concentrate, 1.5 to 2 liters of water, 400 to 600 liters of water, and sufficient agitation. The soybean is evenly sprayed on the surface before sowing. The amount of soil with organic matter content greater than 3% is less than 3%, and the amount of sandy soil with organic matter content less than 2% is lower. The use of chlorhexidine should pay attention to the following points: a. Because of the long residual period of chlorhexidine in the soil, it is impossible to grow crops such as wheat, millet, sorghum, Chinese cabbage and alfalfa. b. Because of the high volatility of the chlorhexidine, the soybeans near the post-emergence wheat, millet, sorghum, cabbage, sapling and other plots cannot be sprayed. c. Pay attention to safety when spraying to prevent poisoning. 〖2〗Sekjin Secchin is a wettable powder with a content of 35%, 50% or 70%. It has obvious control effect on broadleaf weeds and can inhibit some grass weeds. The recommended dosage is 0.75~1 kg of 70% Secchin WP for each hectare, 400-600 ml of water, and evenly sprayed on the surface within three days after sowing. The use of Secchin should pay attention to the following points: a, the dosage must be accurate, the spraying must be uniform, and the application technology is strict. b. This medicine should not be used in sandy soil and water leakage plots to avoid phytotoxicity. c. Soybean should be used in time after sowing, otherwise it is easy to produce phytotoxicity after spraying the soybean. d, soybean sowing should not be too shallow, otherwise it is prone to phytotoxicity. e, Secchin is only suitable for soy soybeans, flat soy can not be used. f. The plots with many weeds in the grass family should not be used as Secchin alone, and should be mixed with other herbicides that are mainly used to control grass weeds. g. Try to avoid large rainfall to avoid phytotoxicity. 〖3〗 The cable is 48% emulsifiable concentrate. The main control object is the annual grass weed, which also has a certain control effect on the broad-leaved weeds of small seeds. The recommended dosage is 4 to 5 liters per hectare of sandy loam; 4.5 to 6 liters per hectare of loam; and 6 to 7 liters per hectare of clay. When using, the dosage is determined according to the type of soil, and then the amount of the drug used per hectare is fully stirred with 400 to 600 liters of water, and evenly sprayed on the surface of the soybean before sowing. After application, if the soil is dry, shallow soil can be mixed, the depth of the soil is 2 to 3 cm, and the soil is pressed with the soil. The following points should be noted when using this medicine: a. It should be applied early, and it is basically ineffective for the weeds that have been unearthed. b. The cable is flammable. It should be operated in the air circulation when dispensing, and it should not be stored in high temperature or open flame. c. The cable can dissolve polyvinyl chloride, elastomer, acrylonitrile, butadiene, etc., so spray equipment cannot be made from these materials. 〖4〗 Acetochlor Acetochlor is a 50% emulsion. The main control object is the annual grass weed, which also has certain control effect on broadleaf weeds. The recommended dosage is 2 to 3 liters per hectare. Accurately measure the liquid medicine, mix it with the medicine according to the water consumption of 400-600 liters per hectare, and spray it evenly before the soybean seeding. The following points should be noted when using this medicine: a. This medicine is flammable, and should be kept away from high temperature and open flame when stored and used. b. This medicine has a stimulating effect on eyes and skin. Pay attention to labor protection when using. c. Gramineous crops are sensitive to this drug, and should be used to prevent the liquid from drifting to adjacent crops to avoid phytotoxicity. d. Mixture of chlorhexidine with acetochlor The 48% chlorhexidine emulsifiable concentrate was mixed with 50% acetochlor emulsifiable concentrate. The soil with organic matter content of 3% to 6% is used with 0.8~1.0 liters of chlorhexidine emulsifiable concentrate and 1.0~1.5 liters of acetochlor EC. The soil with organic matter content above 6% is supplemented with 1 liter of chlorhexidine emulsifiable concentrate per hectare. 2.5 liters of acetochlor EC. Apply the pesticide before the weeds are sowed after soybean sowing, and shorten the time of sowing and application. This blend prevents annual grass and broadleaf weeds. Precautions are the same as those for the two agents alone. e. Seqin and Laso Mixing 70% of the Secchin WP can be mixed with 48% of the cable emulsifier to prevent annual grass weeds and broadleaf weeds. The recommended dosage is 3 to 4.5 liters of 0.5 to 1 kg of coke emulsifiable concentrate per ct of Secchin WP. First add the Secchin WP to 400-600 liters of water, stir well, then pour the cable emulsifier, stir evenly, spray on the soil. If it is just a seedling, the medication can be cut in half. The precautions are the same as those for Sekkin and Lasso.
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