The US Sandia National Laboratory SNL has been developing a digital model of a liquid hydrogen fuel supply station, which may allow the hydrogen fuel supply station to switch from gaseous hydrogen fuel to liquid hydrogen fuel, making it easier to replenish and safer.
As an alternative to traditional gasoline and diesel fuel, hydrogen fuel has the advantage that it can not only burn directly in the modified engine, but also drive the fuel cell of hybrid models. The sources are inexhaustible, and the only discharge is water. And its supplementary supply is also very convenient, it can be supplemented like traditional natural gas. However, hydrogen fuel is not a high-density resource in gaseous state. Gaseous hydrogen fuel replenishment takes up a lot of space and requires special facilities to make it difficult to popularize. Sandia National Laboratory and FirstElement Fuel are beginning to develop liquid hydrogen fuel, which is denser than gaseous hydrogen fuel and can be easily centralized storage management. However, the storage of liquid hydrogen energy needs to be maintained at -253 degrees Celsius, which is very harsh.
Through the software development kit, SNL is developing various models to help better understand the behavior of liquid hydrogen fuel, especially to prevent leakage accidents. Related supporting leak detection and response methods are critical. SNL's digital model can very accurately simulate how hydrogen and oxygen interact in gaseous and liquid states. According to SNL, digital modeling will provide FirstElement with a low-cost design and a solution to ensure that it is regulated by local regulations. It plans to build 12 hydrogen refueling stations in California. In addition, it will help the company formulate fire safety regulations that are safer and can effectively prevent accidents. The local safety regulations are very outdated and may not be able to respond to the storage management requirements of hydrogen fuel.
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