US Department of Agriculture scientists have found that mushroom extract is an effective weapon against major poultry diseases and can reduce the cost of less meat production.
Clostridium is a tiny biological parasite that infects the digestive tract of birds, suppresses the growth of poultry and feed, and increases the mortality of flocks. With the development of coccidiostats, poultry growers are able to raise large groups of chickens, turkeys and other poultry. However, some managers believe that coccidiostats are antibiotics and are prohibited or strongly opposed. Consumers also oppose poultry breeders using antibiotics to feed poultry. American researchers have found that mushroom extract can effectively control the bisporus in poultry. By drinking water or injecting mushroom hemagglutinin into avian embryos, hemagglutinin will prevent and protect the digestive tract diseases.
Hemagglutinin is a carbohydrate-binding protein found in plants and animals. Scientists extracted hemagglutinin from wood rot fungi (common in black eucalyptus stumps), injected 18-day-old embryos, activated the innate immune system, and then used newly-occluded chicks with coccidiosis parasites. test. The chicks tested did not experience weight loss associated with coccidiosis and reduced fecal excretion of live parasites.
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