From the position of nobles, the Chinese are heavy rituals, they are orderly and young, and they are not in their place. Therefore, where there are disobediences, the space configuration of the mansion must be a problem; the room in the master bedroom Selected the wrong position during the renovation. Because the master bedroom is the sleeping place of the head of the family, when the person is sleeping, lying in the bed is a static state. At this time, the interaction between the person and the house is the most sensitive, so the master bedroom is right or wrong, It is one of the biggest influencing factors of indoor feng shui in Yangzhai. Must be careful!
Master bedroom settings should pay attention to:
1. The master bedroom is located in the northwest position. It is the best choice. Because the male master is in the family status, he is in a position to do it. The mistress is a Kunyu elephant, and Kun is a dry-headed man. His weight is for heaven and earth. He is also a native of Thailand. Symbolizes harmonious husbandry and family harmony.
Second, the main bedroom should be behind the house, more than enough to control the feeling of the entire room, usually important executives or commanders are in the rear, easier to control the overall situation, the reason is the same.
Third, the master bedroom should not be too large, or larger than the living room, or room in the room. Because the bedroom is too large, too bright, and too many windows, the feng shui of the gas is easy to loose, lack of yang, lonely yin is born, more than yin, the couple's feelings are easy to cool, innocent, dispute. On the other hand, if you gather together, your husband and wife will love each other. In general, the size of the master bedroom is based on the space in front of the bed, which does not exceed the length of one bed.
Fourth, the main bedroom should not be smaller than the children's room, the size of the space is also a sign of inferiority. If the child room is larger than the master room, then it seems that the sovereignty falls on the child. The parents should listen to the children and the adults’ status in the family is not obvious. .
Fifth, the main bedroom should not be skewed, or the corner of the wall column is too convex, the husband and wife easy to quarrel, disputes for small things, affecting the husband and wife. It is appropriate to use the decoration to resolve it.
6. The main bedroom should not be too dark. Although feng shui learns to describe the dark room of Ming Hall, if the windows of the room are too small or not, the air will not convective, the sun will not be easy to enter, the yang will be insufficient, the qi stagnation will be poor, and people will suffer headaches and drowsiness. , grumpy.
Seven, the main bedroom door and the child's door are facing each other and the distance is too close, because the door is like mouth, mouth counterparts, it is easy to have fighting images; children are more likely to stand up and disobedient, while the children's Autonomy is stronger. Adults should use more intelligent skills in their teaching. Or make a screen entrance in the room so that the air flow in both rooms is not direct.
Eight, the master bedroom should not be decorated with ferocious hanging pictures, or specimen ornaments, such as tigers, eagles, etc., or display sharp objects such as knives, swords, or sharp potted plants, such as cycads, cactus and so on. Because everything has its own shape, it has its own image, and its image has its own meaning, so if a fierce and sharp object is placed in the master bedroom, metaphor implies that the couple is not jealous and prone to disputes. We should avoid it.
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