How to use zinc fertilizer for crops

Zinc deficiency in crops is one of the most common micronutrient deficiencies. The common characteristics of zinc deficiency in crops are: shortened clusters of chlorosis between leaves, inhibition of dwarf growth of leaflets, and inhibition of rice "frozen seedlings", corn "flower white seedlings", fruit trees "small fruit" and other physiological diseases. low. The application of zinc fertilizer can promote the growth and development of crops, improve the seed setting rate, enhance the cold resistance and disease resistance of crops, and increase the yield by 10-30%, which can significantly improve the quality of agricultural products.
First, the typical symptoms of zinc deficiency in crops
Rice: The leaves are chlorotic and whitish. The brown spotted plants are often referred to as "stagnation, sitting," "white seedling disease" and "shock disease". Corn: The leaves are chlorotic and have brown spots to form "flower white seedlings". Wheat: White-green streaks appear on both sides of the veins, and short-spotted flowers in the internodes are delayed. In the case of severe zinc deficiency, the ear can not be smear. Cotton: The chlorotic edge of the leaves at the seedling stage is uplifted. The elongation of the stem is inhibited. The internode shortening is delayed in the growth stage of the plant. Fruit tree: "Macular leaf disease": The upper and middle leaf veins of the new shoot maintain a yellow color between the green veins. "lobular disease": the new leaves become smaller and the top appears clustered in lotus. "Small fruit disease": fruit small skin thick pulp lignified slag juicy. Vegetables: The middle and upper leaves are chlorotic, yellow and young leaves are often called "lobular disease". The short stigma of the plant shortened the small fruit thickness and the low yield and poor quality.
Second, soil zinc deficiency is very common
In the Hubei area, zinc-deficient soil accounts for about 70% of the zinc fertilizer, and the crop yield is generally between 10-20%.
Zinc fertilizer should be paid attention to in the early spring, low temperature, high groundwater level, winter bubble field, muddy field, high altitude and low temperature. The effective zinc content in alkaline soil is mainly distributed in the Yangtze River, Hanjiang Plain and Ebei Plain.
Large-scale application of compound fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer, and lime will induce zinc deficiency in crops. Application of hybrid varieties and high-yield cultivation techniques requires more zinc to be applied to crops.
Third, the application of crops and application effects
The application of zinc fertilizer in rice, corn, wheat, cotton, rape, fruit trees, vegetables, soybeans, peanuts, potatoes, tobacco and other crops can improve crop yield by 10-30% and improve product quality.
Fourth, the correct method of zinc fertilizer application
1. Paddy soil: The amount of large-grain zinc per acre is 200g, which can be used for the cultivation of seedling bed fertilizer in the field. Combining with the soil preparation for the surface fertilizer, the large-grained zinc is mixed with the granular fertilizer and fine soil and then applied.
2. Dryland soil: 200g per acre of large-grain zinc. Before sowing the whole land, mix the large-grained zinc with the compound (mixed) fertilizer or fine soil, and then apply it, apply it or apply it.
3. Fruit tree application: The amount of large zinc in each fruit tree is 5-10 grams (10-30 grains according to the size of the canopy). It can also be applied together with compound fertilizer and organic fertilizer as spring fertilizer, strong fruit fertilizer, and yang fertilizer. Apply soil after ditching along the drip line.
4. Large-grained zinc should be applied as early as possible to meet the needs of the pre-growth period. Zinc fertilizer should be combined with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilizers in order to achieve greater fertilizer efficiency and obtain a better harvest. The application of zinc fertilizer should be strictly controlled and applied according to the recommended amount. Large zinc has a post-effect zinc deficiency field that can be applied once a year or every other year.
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