In the field of metal cutting, the solution of tool vibration has always been a difficult problem. The research on cutting vibration of domestic tools is still in theory, and many of them are outdated, because more and more imported machine tools enter our workshop, many tools do not allow the grinding of the blades or the modification of the body. On the other hand, solving the tool vibration is the responsibility of the tool supplier, and our traditional workshop philosophy likes to organize the power to make technical research on the tool. If there is no understanding of the working principle of the modern machine tool, it will solve the problem. A lot of time and manpower is wasted, even if the current tool problem is solved, it is often at the expense of production efficiency, and even creates new hidden dangers. Sandvik Coromant is committed to solving tool vibrations
ELISA Plates
ELISA Plates are optimal products for ELISA and provide reliable performance in binding assays when consistent coating of wells is required.
* Available with 2 different protein binding capability well surface
* 2 different bottom styles, fixed flat bottom and detachable flat bottom
* 8 or 12 wells strip and 48 or 96 well detachable frames are supplied in order to satisfy different sample quantity and economize coat
* Well surface is uniform, smooth and free from striation to eliminate error
* CV of transmittance is less than 5.00%
* Wells are labeled with alphanumeric code for easy identification
* Sterilized by gamma irradiation
ELISA 96 Well Plate,ELISA Microplate,ELISA Strip Well Plates,96 Well ELISA Strip Plates,ELISA Plate
Yong Yue Medical Technology(Kunshan) Co.,Ltd ,