In the Ministry of Agriculture Notice No. 199, the use of BHC, DDT, toxaphene, dibromochloropropane, dibromoethane, insecticide, aldrin, dieldrin, mercury, arsenic and lead 18 kinds of highly toxic, high-residue or "three-way" (teratogenic, carcinogenic, mutagenic) such as fluoroacetamide, sodium fluoroacetate, tetramine, tetramine, tetrazolium, glyphosate and herbicide ether pesticide. It also stipulates that the use of phosphorus amine, phorate, parathion, methyl parathion, monocrotophos, methamidophos, endogenous phosphorus, methyl isophosphorus, and tepid in vegetables, fruit trees, tea and Chinese herbal medicines is prohibited. 19 kinds of high toxicity such as thiophosphorus, early base thiophosphorus, ruthenium phosphate, carbofuran, aldicarb, chlorpyrifos, thiophosphorus, fly venom, chlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifos and phenylphosphine pesticide. Restrict the use of moderately toxic pesticides, promote the use of low-toxic, low-residue pesticides, encourage the use of biological pesticides (especially plant-based pesticides) and mineral-derived pesticides, such as St. and oil emulsions, to ensure food safety and protect people's health.
Regarding the safety of pesticides, the author has made some introductions. However, there are still some problems that cannot be ignored in the current production, and it is again proposed to arouse great attention from all quarters.
1 Any increase in the concentration and dosage of the fruit is serious. Because of the lack of knowledge about pesticides and pests and diseases, it is hoped that the drug will be eliminated by applying a single drug, diluted with water at the time of spraying, or repeatedly sprayed repeatedly. This greatly increases the concentration or amount of the agent. The targets and concentrations of pesticides indicated on the instructions for use of pesticides are determined by repeated tests by relevant professional departments and officially registered with the approval of the pesticide management department. Producers only need to use the specified concentration. Some agents, such as mineral oil emulsions, stone sulphur, ketone and 2,4-D sodium salts, can be arbitrarily increased in concentration and, in some cases, phytotoxic. For pests such as mites and white mites covered with wax shells or wax powder, they should be sprayed according to their developmental duration. Generally, when the active worms are sensitive to the medicinal agents, the effect is good. In the dormant period, the pests and diseases are generally resistant to drugs, and the general effects of using high concentrations of the general agents are not good.
2 The phenomenon of random mixing is not reduced under the premise of mixing the drugs, and does not cause phytotoxicity. Therefore, it is necessary to mix several (generally two) agents of different control objects or different mechanisms of action. For example, the acaricide and the insecticide are mixed, the insecticide and the bactericide are mixed, the insecticide is mixed with the animal and plant growth regulator, the different insecticidal agents are mixed, the ovicidal agent is mixed with the killing active agent, and the like. The physicochemical properties of the agent should also be considered when mixing. Basic pesticides such as stone sulphur mixture, rosin mixture and Bordeaux mixture can not be mixed with acidic or neutral pesticides. At the same time, it is more important to look at the conditions and periods of occurrence of the target (target), so that it can not be blindly mixed. According to the author's knowledge, there are quite a few citrus-producing areas in China that are quite common. Almost all sprays must be mixed. Generally, more than three kinds of drugs are mixed, and some even reach 4 to 5 kinds. The occurrence and damage of each disease or pest are certain temperature and humidity conditions and the appropriate host growth period. The optimal control period is not the same. Even the agents that have a good control effect on a certain target organism have a good effect on a certain developmental stage, and generally have poor effects on other developmental stages. For example, many pesticides have poor effects in the dormant period or low temperature of the pests, and the killing agents are mostly effective in the pests and nymphs, and the effects are poor in other periods.
3 The phenomenon of the same name of the drug is serious. Among them, several main acaricides and insecticides are prominent. A few pharmacies have a few product names, and dozens of them. There are nearly 50 and 20 synonymous names, such as A. sinensis (avermectin) and 哒螨 ( (螨). The user is likely to cause repeated use of the same agent multiple times, which accelerates the development of pest resistance. Before using the drug, you must know the general Chinese name of the drug, the generic product name, and the active ingredient name of the drug in order to select the agents with different active ingredients for alternate use. For example, acaricides can be used in rotation with triazonin or ketone, instead of using 15% scented emulsifiable concentrate and 20% hydrazine WP. It is best not to use a drug that does not have the above name. Some of the commonly used citrus agents are now introduced. For the convenience of description, the article is in the name of the commodity (outside the brackets), and the parentheses are in Chinese, the English common name and the different name. If the name is not determined, it will not be listed.
3.1 Insecticide triazole (triazole, azocyclotin), oxazolidine (oxazolidine, fenpyroimate, arboreal), amitraz (double aphid, amitraz, gram), gram螨特(Kruite propargite, acetylene, Comite), phenbutanium (fenbutatia oxide, 托尔克), å“’èž¨çµ (哒螨çµ, pyridaben, 螨 螨, 哒螨 )), Nisolon ( Thiacinone, hexythiazox), flufenoxuron, bromo oxime (bromopropyl ester, bromopropylate, oxime), tetrazine (tetrazine, clofentezine, apollo, sputum) Monomethylhydrazine (monomethylhydrazine, semiamitrza), dibutyl ether urea (diafenthiuron, chlorpyrifos, baolu), flumethrin (罗速å‘, acrinathrin Rufast), benzal ether (benzyl ether, halfenprox, broom) Bao), triphosphorus tin (phostin, volts lang), benzoquinone (benzophene, benxoimate, sipred), pyridoxamine (pyridoxamine, tebufnpyrad, bismuth), dicofol (tetradifon, 涕 æ€, DTN), dicofol (diclofuranol, decofol, Kaile San), Liu Yangmycin (liuyangmycin, liuyang-mycin, polyctins complex, polyoxomycin), huaguangmycin (huaguangmycin, nikkomycin, xylomycin, nicotimycin).
3.2 Killing insecticides and insecticides and acaricides Ai Liqike (qiqisu, abamectin, avermectin), butyl thiocarbamate (butyl thiocarbamate, carbosulfan, good winter, good Anwei), mineral oil emulsion (mineral oil emulsion, petroleum oil, oil emulsion or diesel emulsion), acetamiprid (acetazide, acetamiprid, Mobilan) imidacloprid (imidacloprid, imidacloprid, chlorpyrifos, imipenem), Chlorpyrifos (chlorpyrifos, chlorpyrifos, lesben), quetiaphos (quimelo, puina lphos, Aikas), Daofengsan (Taofengsan, phenthoate, Ailex), bifenthrin (bifenthrin) Ester, bbifnthrin, Uranus), fenpropathrin (cypermethrin, fenpropathrin, chlorhexidine), cyhalothrin (cyhalothrin, cyhalothrin, kungfu), triazophos (triazophos, triazo-phos), Dichlorvos (dichlorvos, dichlotcos, DDVP), dimethoate (dimethoate), acephate (acesulfame, acephata, high dephosphorus), fruit 1 matrine 2nicotine, matrine • nicotine), kill Phosphorus (mathidathion, speed culling
3.3 Insecticide deltamethrin (deltamethrin, deltamethrin, enemy killing, kaisuolin), cyfluthrin (cyfluthrin, cyfluthrin, Baishude), cypermethrin (cis-cypermethrin, alpha, Cypermethrin, high-efficiency cypermethrin, cypermethrin (cypermethrin, cypermethrin, chlorhexidine, anthony), cis-fenvalerate (cis-fenvalerate, esfenvalerate, rifampicin), fenvalerate (cyanide) Valerate, wenvalerata, chlorpyrifos, beta-cypermethrin (beta-cypermethrin, beta cypermethrin, the author's note), brommethrin (bromofluthrin, brosluthrinate), buprozin (buproszin, Youle, è™± è™± ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Converse (Zombie, triaguron, chlorpyrifos), diflubenzuron (diflubenzuron, di-flubenxuron), chlorfluazuron, phoxim, phoxim , phoxim), marathon Phosphorus (malathion, malathion, marathon), diazinon (diazinon, diozinon, diazinon), trichlorfon (trichlorphon), carbaryl (carbaryl, carbryl, xiwei) Because), fipronil (fipronil, fipronil, sharp light), rotenone (rotopone, rotenone, fish vine), matrine (matrine, matrina, oxymatrine), nicotine (nicotine, Nicotine, tobacco base), cucurbitine (cucurbitine, vertrina, insect enemy), alizarin (alkaline, toosedrin, vegetable and fruit net), rosin mixture (sodium rosinate, pimaric acid), Bacillus thuringiensis (Bacillus thuringiensis, Bacillus) Thuringiensis Latin name - author's note, Bt), green worm (C. albicans No. 3, Entobactarin Latin name - author's note), tetraacetaldehyde (tetraacetaldehyde, metaldehyde, honey, snail enemy), Begonia kill (clonitralide, hundred screw kill).
3.4 fungicide prochloraz, prochloraz, Shi Baoke), prochloraz manganese complex (prochloraz manganese chloride complex, Shi Baogong), thiabendazole (thiabendazole, thiabendazole, Tecdo, bismuth), thiabendazole (thiazolyl, sulphate, Chuanhua - 018), Ye Kui Ling (Ye Kui Ling, æ¸-7802), iprodione (isourea, iproniazid, Couine), carbendazim (carbendazim, carbendazim, benzimidazole No. 44), thiophanate-methyl (methionastine, thiophanate-methyl thiophanate), metalaxyl (Oracle skeletal cream , metalaxyl, retinol, nail cream), chlorothalonil (chlorothalonil, chlorothalonil), aluminum triethyl sulphate (aluminum triethyl phosphinate, phosethyl-AL, ethyl aluminum phosphate), sensen zinc (desenzinc, Zineb), mancozeb (mancozeb, mancosab, Dasheng M-45), imazalil (inhibitor, ima-zalil, diazoconazole, wandeli), dexamethasone (desenium, Amobam), myclobutanil (myrazole, myclobutanil), diniconazole (enzolol, di-niconaxole), copper hydroxide (copper hydroxide, copper hy Droaide, can kill 101), copper oxychloride (copper oxide, copper chloride, copper), basic copper sulfate (copper sulfate ha-sic) copper ammonia (cubamine, cuamino sulfate, Xiaoxianling, sulphuric acid copper), sulfur (sulfur, fulfur), stone sulphur, lime fulfate), streptomycin (streptomycin, streptomycin, agricultural streptomycin sulfate), nail cream manganese zinc (metal frost manganese zinc , metalaxyl + mancozeb, toxic mycelium manganese zinc),? Frost manganese zinc (? cream manganese zinc, ? creaming + mancozeb, anti-virus cockroaches), San Fumei (San Fu Mei, Fu Mei double + Fumei zinc + Fumei Jiaxie, bacteriostatic).
3.5 Plant growth regulators and herbicides 2,4-D sodium salt (2,4-D sodium salt, 2,4-DNa), 2,4-D butyl butylate (2,4-D diced Ester, brtylate, ethylene (Ethyl, ethephon, B test), Bijiu (bijiu, daminozide, butyrylhydrazone, B9), paclobutrazol (paclobutrazol, paclobutrazol, PP333, chlorobutyrazole), Gibberellium (gibberellin, gibberellic acid GA3 902), chlormequat (chlormequat, chlormequat, CCC), naphthaleneacetic acid (naphthaleneacetic acid, naphthalene-naphthale-neacetic acid), uniconazole (uniconazole, uniconaxole) ), chlorobutazone (chlorobiurea, forchlorfenuron, pyridone), phytolactone (yunsin lactone, brassinolide), chlorophyll (p-chlorophenoxyacetic acid, tomato spirit, P51), licorice Phosphine (glyphosate, glyphosate, Roundup, Zhencao), paraquat (paraquat, paraquate, gram, fast grass), thatch (thatch, dalapon), simazine (simazine, simazine, Sima-zine), Atrazine (Atsutsu, atrazine).
The names of some single-agent pesticides and individual compounding pesticides on citrus are listed above. Currently, a large number of compound pesticides are used in production. The Chinese common name, English common name and active ingredient name of these medicines are all by their groups. The composition of the relevant names of the individual doses. For example, the acaricide mixture is composed of the corresponding names of diesel and scorpion, and the insecticide and acaricide is composed of the corresponding names of matrine and nicotine, and so on. In particular, among the above-mentioned insecticides, acaricides and fungicides, Ai Liqi (avermectin), Liuyangmycin, Huaguangmycin, Streptomycin, Diflubenzuron, Buprofezin (Youle), Nongmengite, acetamiprid, Bacillus thuringiensis, green worm, fruit, nicotine, alizarin, rotenone, matrine, cucurbitine and rosin mixture are biological pesticides or specific pesticides; minerals Oil emulsion, sulphur stone sulphur mixture, copper hydroxide, copper oxychloride, basic copper sulphate, copper copper and Bordeaux mixture are mineral source pesticides. Due to their unique mechanism of action and control objects, they are generally safer for beneficial organisms, mostly low-toxic and low-residue pesticides, have less adverse effects on the environment, and have less resistance to harmful organisms. They are pollution-free and green. The best medicine for food is worthy of trial and promotion.
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