After joining the WTO, due to the reduction of furniture tariffs, it will promote the growth of furniture imports and exports and provide furniture export opportunities. Joining the WTO will promote the establishment of information databases for furniture companies, the development of new products, the protection of intellectual property, the use of new and high technologies, and the use of new materials. After joining the WTO in 2002, it has had a beneficial effect on the Chinese furniture industry. The continuous growth of furniture exports is a good example.
At present, China’s per capita furniture consumption level is still low. Luo Baihui said that with the continuous improvement of the people’s living standards, furniture consumption will certainly increase. If China’s per capita furniture consumption level reaches the consumption level of middle-developed countries such as Thailand and the Philippines, the per capita annual About 20 US dollars, its total consumption is also more than 200 billion ***. Therefore, it can be expected that there will be great potential for furniture production growth in the furniture industry.
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