Nowadays, the quality of the wallpaper market is mixed, and under the cloak of fashion, there is always a lot of tricks. What kind of wallpaper is a good wallpaper?
The quality of the wallpaper is good and not good. The salesman’s blows are not counted, nor can you listen to the words of the manufacturer. You can only know by yourself after careful observation. Here are a few simple methods that can roughly determine the quality of the wallpaper.
First, look at the pattern style - whether it is unique and the production process is excellent.
Second, water scrubbing - good wallpaper color fastness can be scrubbed with a damp cloth or water.
Third, the green is harmless - when buying, it may be close to the product to smell whether there is any odor, the odorous products may contain excessive amounts of harmful substances such as toluene, ethylbenzene, etc., it has carcinogenic effects.
Fourth, the color of the long-standing - wallpaper surface coating materials and printing pigments need to be optimized and strictly controlled, to ensure that the wallpaper does not yellow after long-term illumination (especially light, white wallpaper).
Fifth, discriminate the material - natural material or synthetic (PVC) material, the simple method can be judged by fire. Generally, natural materials burn without odor and black smoke. The burned dust is powder white ash. The synthetic (PVC) material has odor and black smoke when burned, and the burned ash is black spherical.
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