Hans Flexible Abrasive Diamond Belts/Flexible Diamond Abrasive Belts/Lexible Diamond Belt are being used extensively in wet grinding applications and have a very aggressive cutting action which is maintained throughout the long life of the belt.is ideal for blending and finishing contours on thermal sprays, ceramics, carbides, composites, chilled iron, Stone And Construction,Composites,Superhard Coatings,Porcelain,Floor Renovation,Cloth Emerizing,non-ferrous metals, and other hard to grind materials,Special for glass,stone,lapidary applications for use on hand or automatic machines. A very strong polyfibre backing material allows the belts to be manufactured with a superior join for extra strength and smooth running as there are no bumps on the join.Flexible diamond belts can produce a honed or semi polished finish as required.From diamond belts for Automatic Seaming Lines and Stand Alone Grinding Machines to diamond discs for Hand-held Machines and Flat Lap Grinders. Next to that we offer a full range of products for manual applications, like hand pads and sheets.
Diamond Resin Sanding Belts For Expanding Drums is resin bonded giving a nice smooth finish, especially after working a few stones. Our professional people tell us they are the longest lasting belts they have ever used. In fact, under normal use, our belts will last 50 to 100 times longer than silicon carbide abrasives! Of course, we back these belts with our 100% satisfaction guarantee.Our premier line of resin bond belts offers an aggressive solution to your cutting and polishing needs. We use a high concentration of finely graded diamond powders to give you a quality product.Hans Diamond Abrasives have strong, flexible fabric backings that will not crack or lose pliancy after repeated use.Our backings are engineered to specific applications and diamond particle sizes. They run on water-cooled machines, allowing faster grinding rates at a substantially reduced cost, providing a cleaner, safer work environment. We use several different types of water proof cloth backings to give you the best results for your specific application.
Flexible Diamond Superabrasive Belts
Diamond Grit Sanding Belts,Diamond Abrasive Grit Belt,Diamond Abrasive Belts Glass,Diamond Grit Sanding Belt,Flexible Diamond Abrasive Belts,Flexible Diamond Belt
Hans Superabrasive Material Co., Ltd. , http://www.hansuperabrasive.com